Want to Expand your Business? Avoid these Common Marketing Mistakes!!

Digital marketing is a practice that is used for promoting products and services through the internet. Digital Marketing Companies in India includes a wide range of marketing fundamentals than traditional business marketing due to the extra channels available over the internet.

Mobile app experiences can help determine the following:

·    Which marketing channels are the most cost-effective at engaging customers, based on the conversion rate of visitors and the cost of these visitors

·       Which channels are effective at acquiring higher value for customers such as email marketing that drives in customers at regular intervals

·       Which associates of customers display strong engagement behaviour which sells more products to customers with a high level of engagement 

Several tools can be used to maintain a healthy online marketing program

·    Email Marketing

·       Social Media Marketing

·       Search Engine Optimization

·       Search Engine Marketing

·       Content Marketing

·       Marketing Analytics

·       Marketing Automation

·    Content Management System

·      Content Relationship Management 

Common Online Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

You are not engaging customers

Special attention needs to be paid to social networking sites like these help in creating a buzz around and helps in building brand value when done effectively in the long term.

You might be targeting the wrong audience

With advanced tools now available freely it is possible to target your audiences once you know your customers. Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing are ways by which you can target your audiences.

All your prices are wrong

Pricing is a huge factor online. People can compare your pricing with others. If your pricing is too low, then customers might think that your product quality is low. Pricing is seen to be an important part of a business marketing plan. Price can be set to maximize profit.

Know the Market Thoroughly

Do a complete market analysis and know how much customers will pay and what are the charges of the competitors. You can then decide what is to be done whether you need to match or beat your competitors.

Choose the best pricing technique

Cost-plus pricing involves adding a markup percentage to costs. Value-based pricing is determined by how much value your customers attach to your product.

Keep a check on your costs

Make sure to include all direct and indirect costs in your final calculations. Also keep a check on your variable costs such as money required to purchase the material, packaging, etc. Also, keep a check on the fixed costs the product needs to cover. Add all these costs together to get a final value.

Stay in your shoes

Prices can be fixed for long but your costs, customers, and competitors can change, so you need to keep changing your prices to keep up with the market. Keep a check on the latest market trend of Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi and interact with your customers regularly basis to ensure your prices remain optimal.


Therefore, get in touch with Brainwork Technologies your one–stop solution for all your SEO Services Company in India, offering a far-reaching and influential portfolio of web designing, web development, content writing, and social media marketing. We are committed to providing the most exceptional digital marketing solutions you must have ever come across!

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